Terms of use


Details of Centiva Software Solutions

Trade Name: CENTIVA P.C.

Distinctive Title: Centiva Software Solutions

Headquarters: 59 Panepistimiou, Athens, 10564

Chamber No: 8348801000

Phone: +30 210 922 88 99

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: https://centiva.gr


These terms of use set out the terms and conditions under which Centiva Software Solutions offers its online services.

The purpose of this website is to provide information related to the services and activities of Centiva Software Solutions.

Terms of use

This website was created to provide information and services to visitors.

Its use is governed by these terms and conditions, which visitors are requested to read carefully and comply with.

In any case, the visitor's stay on the pages of this website as well as the utilization of any information provided through these pages implies unconditional acceptance of the present terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions are likely to be modified in the future without notice. However, this page will always state the current terms and conditions for using this website.

This website may refer via "links", hyperlinks or advertising banners to other websites, the providers of which have full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the security, legality and validity of the content of the websites and services them, excluding any liability of the company that owns this website, such as indicative liability for intellectual and industrial property rights or any third party right.

Therefore, visitors are obliged to comply with the terms of use of these websites and to contact their providers directly for anything arising from their visit and/or use.

Apart from specific rights of third parties (intellectual and other), all the content that is each time contained on this website (indicative: brands, distinguishing features, photos, texts and all files in general), is the intellectual commercial and industrial property of the owners and is protected from the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law. This content may not, in whole or in part, be commercialized, copied, modified, reproduced, retransmitted, or transmitted or distributed in any way by any user.

To access certain services or to connect to certain websites, the owners may be asked for the visitor's information in order to grant a relevant access code (or codes). The above data must always be true, accurate, valid and complete. Visitors are responsible for all operations carried out with the password and are obliged to immediately notify the owner company of any unauthorized use of it and any (even potential) security breach. These details are not disclosed by the owners to third parties under any circumstances. The owners are not responsible for any harm or damage that may arise from the arbitrary or illegal use of the password by third parties, due to its leakage or for any other reason and reserve the right to request compensation from the visitor in case they suffer any kind damage from the arbitrary or illegal use of the password. The owners have the right at any time to refuse to grant an access code or to cancel an assigned code or to terminate the provision of these services to the visitor and to refuse any current or future use of this website in case of violation of the Terms of Use.

The owners are not responsible, towards the users, for any leakage of their personal data due to their use, through the pages of this website, of products and services of third parties.

These Terms and Conditions of Use and any amendment thereof are governed by Greek Law. For any dispute that may arise from this contract, the substantive courts of Athens are designated as competent.


The owners may use session cookies to identify the visitor. Session cookies are small pieces of code that are stored in the memory of the visitor's computer, they do not take notice of any document or file from their computer and are used only to facilitate the visitor's access to specific services and (sometimes) for statistical reasons, in order to determine the areas in which the services of this website are useful or popular or for marketing purposes. The visitor can configure his server so that he does not receive session cookies, either in total or on a case-by-case basis. In such a case, the visitor will not be able to have further access to these services.

Our website uses cookies, in accordance with common internet practices, to help you access and browse the internet.

Cookies are unique for each web browser (web browser, e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) and contain anonymous information regarding the sites visited by the user.

Below you can find information about the cookies that may be used on our websites.

Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies are used for the smooth operation of our websites.

They allow the website to “remember” user preferences in order to offer improved and customized features to each user.

This category includes cookies that store information such as username or content basket, as well as information for safer browsing, however any sensitive information is stored in encrypted form.

Performance Cookies

These cookies collect information about how the website is used.

As a result, websites may be tailored to your needs for an enhanced browsing experience.

These cookies are also used to generate reports for the purpose of improving the website.

Targeting and Advertising Cookies

These cookies are used to provide content that best suits you and your interests.

They can be used for targeted advertising, limiting the display of ads or measuring the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

These cookies allow you to see advertisements targeted to your interests and preferences.

These ads may appear when you browse other websites.

Disabling Cookies

None of the cookies on the website are necessary for its operation, you can disable cookies from your browser settings or do not accept their use on your website.

For more information about disabling cookies, visit the official website of your browser.

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